Hello and Welcome!

This blog has been created to provide easily accessible and current information on what vegan foods can be found in the Walt Disney World Resort in Florida.  There is quite a bit of info out there out there, but it is scattered around the internet, some of which is outdated.  I hope this blog will serve as a home for all things Vegan at Disney World.

3 Responses to “About Vegan in Disney World”

  1. Kitty Smith Says:

    Wow! Apparently I’ve been living under a rock – just noticed your blog! Awesome job here. I don’t think there can ever be too many resources for us veggie people. Thanks for the plug! I’m looking forward to see where you go from here! 🙂

    1. Hey Kitty! Thanks for stopping by, and thanks for the compliment. I tried to leave a comment on your blog after I emailed you, but I don’t have an account, so I wasn’t able to. I am actually wondering where I will be going from here, too! lol! We will both be surprised!

  2. Anonymouse Says:

    Wanted to just let you know about a podcast that did an episode on special needs in Disney World, where they covered special dietary requests, including vegetarian and vegan, and how to the process works. It is the WDW Radio Show and it was on episode 103 – http://www.wdwradio.com/WDW-Radio-Show-Disney-Podcast/Show-103-Jan.-25-2009.html

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